Vermont Lift Ticket Deals
Deals and prices on this page have been updated for the ’24-’25 season. You can expect continuous updates to the deals below throughout the winter. We scour the state for the best deals on lift tickets including half-day, multi-day, and single day tickets as they become available.
Exclusive Deals

Exclusive Discounts for Jay Peak Lift Tickets + Lodging
This deal is available to all of our monthly newsletter subscribers. Get up to five $92 lift tickets for Jay Peak AND get a 10% discount on your lodging. Read more details on our Jay Peak ticket page here.
Multi-Resort Ticket Bundles 4 Pass – $199 for Four 1-Day Tickets
A very limited quantity will be available in October this year. This pass includes four 1-day lift tickets that are valid at all of the major VT resorts, 16 in total. One day per resort is allowed. The passes typically sell out within a few hours once they are available.

The Indy Pass $399 Adults, $199 Kids
Two days per resort at 180+ different ski resorts = 360+ total possible days of skiing. Includes Bolton Valley, Jay Peak, Magic Mountain, Saskadena Six in Vermont. More pricing options are available.
Free Lift Tickets for Kids
We keep a list of all of the resorts where kids can ski for free and we break it down by age. Read It.
Spotted in the Wild
Subscribe below to receive updates on all kinds of ski deals including lift tickets as we find them.
Top Military Discounts
Burke Mountain – Free mid-week lift tickets for active duty + family.
Mad River Glen – Free lift tickets for active duty military. 50% off for veterans.
Seniors 80+ Ski Free
Killington – Seniors 80+ yrs can ski for free at Killington.
Pico – Same deal as Killington. Seniors 80+ yrs get free lift tickets at Pico.
Top Resort Pick for '24-'25 Deals
In the past we have found deals as low as $59/day for Killington, and with Seniors 80+ skiing free this year, this resort is a top pick. Click to visit our Killington window lift ticket pricing page or visit one of our partners for deals.
More Lift Ticket Deals
More deals below… Some are partners, some are not. If they have deals we try to add them all here no matter what. Some have even asked to be removed because we caused too many inquiries for their staff. Apologies for that, but we like to add everything. Send us an email if you think something should be added.

Lift Tickets from REI
REI members have been able to buy discount lift tickets for Killington and other mountains in prior years. Some ticket deals have included tickets for youths or for mid-week only. These deals help you get tickets below the rates that are offered directly by the resorts, even after the resort’s standard online discounts. Tickets for Palisades Tahoe and other resorts are also available here periodically. – 5th Grade Passport
The pass only costs $30 and it gives 5th graders three lift ticket vouchers for each of the participating ski areas. The purpose of this pass is to introduce kids to skiing. Kids must be accompanied by a pass-holding adult while skiing.

Vermont Ski & Snowboard Museum Member Rewards Book
Various lift ticket discounts for the following resorts: Jay Peak, Burke, Saskadena Six, Killington, Pico. Other discounts also included. $60 membership fee gets you the rewards book this year.

Helly Hansen Gear + BOGO Lift Ticket Deals
Choose from a selection of Helly Hansen coats and pants and get access to lift ticket deals for Jay Peak and Smugglers’ Notch. Both resorts are offering buy one, get one free lift ticket deals as a part of this discount. Blackout dates apply.

Vermont Travel Club
Man down! This website is down and may not be back this year, let’s see. Deals for previous ski seasons included discounts at Bromley, Burke, Jay Peak and Magic Mountain. The card cost $25.
Catamount Trail Association Rewards Book

Members receive a coupon book full of local Vermont coupons for ski resorts, ski shops, local ski lodges, nordic centers, and a long list of other local businesses (almost 100 in total). This includes a range of lift ticket discounts that include free tickets, buy one get one deals, 50% off etc. The list of ski resorts where discounts are available for this year includes Bolton Valley, Bromley, Burke, Cochran’s Ski Area, Jay Peak, Middlebury.
Basic membership only costs $40 for an individual. Here is the breakdown of ski resort coupons that you get as a member. All of these include blackout dates except for Bromley and Cochran’s Ski Area.
- Bolton Valley: 1 free non-peak weekday lift ticket.
- Bromley – $10 off any day, no restrictions.
- Burke – Buy one get one free lift ticket, Sunday to Thursday.
- Cochran’s – 50% off Friday night skiing + dinner for one family of any size.
- Jay Peak – $20 off adult ticket, Sunday to Friday.
- Middlebury – 2 for one – Wednesday to Sunday.
About The Catamount Trail
The Catamount Trail is a backcountry ski trail that runs the full length of Vermont from top to bottom. The total length is 300 miles and this terrain encompasses everything from nordic skiing to steep, wooded backcountry zones. Please consider donating to the association even if you don’t need the coupon book!
That's a pretty good deal right there...
Rainchecks at Stratton Mountain – If you don’t like the conditions within the first hour you can get a voucher to come back another day. This isn’t exactly a “lift ticket deal”, but you must admit, that’s a pretty good deal right there.
Discounted tickets with any VT season pass – Use your season pass from ANY Vermont ski resort and get discounted tickets at Jay Peak and Burke.
Wicked Wednesdays @ Burke – Buy one Wednesday lift ticket for only $45 and GET TWO for FREE.
Tips for Saving $ on Vermont Lift Tickets
Book your tickets far in advance – This has always been true but the pandemic has made this even more important. Most resorts are discounting lift tickets when you buy in advance.
Beginner zone lift tickets – These are available at some resorts and these can help beginners save money. Jay Peak and Smugglers’ Notch are included on this list.
Find lodging + lift ticket deals – Some resorts will offer ski and stay packages directly. Also keep your eye out for ski rental + lesson + ticket packages from the resorts if you are in that bracket.
Subscribe to our newsletter – Lots of deals as we hunt them down, much more ski content as well, but deals are what we do here., and More Discount Ticket Biz – Discount tickets for Magic Mountain and Killington have been available in the past. No deals spotted yet this year. – In Vermont, tickets for Saskadena Six are available this year and also for several other great resorts across the US.
What about the Mountain Collective Pass? Sad to say, Sugarbush left this pass for the ’23-’24 season. It is still a great pass and you should check it out because for $659 you can still gain access to 25 different resorts and you’ll get two days at each, just none in Vermont. The list does include Sugarloaf on the east coast, Snowbird, Jackson Hole, Sun Valley and some other world-class resorts.